[Bioclusters] CFP: Cloud Computing and Its Applications (CCA 2008)
Douglas L Thain
2008-07-02 16:55:03 UTC
Cloud Computing and Its Applications 2008 (CCA-08)
October 22-23, 2008
Gleacher Center
Chicago, Illinois


Dramatic growth in data and equally rapid decline in the cost of
highly integrated clusters has spurred the emergence of the data
center as the platform of choice for a growing class of data-intensive
applications. To encourage conversations between those developing
applications, algorithms, software, and hardware for such "cloud"
platforms, we are convening the first workshop on Cloud Computing and
its Applications (CCA'08). This workshop will include a mixture of
invited and contributed talks on cloud computing, data intensive
scalable computing, and related topics.

Topics of interest include:
- compute and storage cloud architectures and implementations
- map-reduce and its generalizations
- programming models and tools
- novel data-intensive computing applications
- data intensive scalable computing
- distributed data intensive computing
- content distribution systems for large data
- data management within and across data centers

If you would like to give a contributed talk, please submit
a five page extended abstract by August 1, 2008. These submissions
will also be used to select papers for a poster session.
Extended abstracts should be submitted to:

Organizing Committee (info at cca08.org)

Charlie Catlett, Argonne National Laboratory
Ian Foster, Argonne National Laboratory and University of Chicago
Garth Gibson, Carnegie Mellon University
Robert Grossman, University of Illinois at Chicago and Open Data Group
Joe Hellerstein, University of California at Berkeley
Tony Hey, Microsoft
Raghu Ramakrishnan, Yahoo
Alex Szalay, Johns Hopkins University
Douglas Thain, University of Notre Dame

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