[Bioclusters] CFP Deadline Extended: Computational Life Sciences Workshop at HPDC 2010
Geoffrey Fox
2010-03-04 02:03:05 UTC
Call for Papers of the Emerging Computational Methods for the Life
Sciences Workshop at HPDC 2010
June 21-25, 2010 Chicago, Illinois, USA

This is opportunity for full length papers (or if you prefer 4 page
short papers) at a premier distributed systems conference. The short
papers will be reviewed to standard of a good poster session.

*Submission deadline: March 15, 2010*
*Workshop Website:* http://salsahpc.indiana.edu/ECMLS2010/

Computing systems are rapidly changing with multicore, GPUs, clusters,
volunteer systems, clouds, and grids offering a confusing dazzling array
of opportunities. New programming paradigms such as MapReduce and Many
Task Computing have joined the traditional repertoire of workflow and
parallel computing for the highest performance systems. Meanwhile the
Life Sciences are continuing to expand in data generated with continuing
improvement in the instruments for high throughput analysis. This
"fourth paradigm" (observationally driven science) is joined by complex
systems or biocomplexity that can build phenomenological models of
biological systems and processes. This workshop juxtaposes these trends
seeking those computational methods that will enhance scientific discovery.

The purpose of this the workshop is to provide the opportunity for
researchers, scientists, engineers, and students to discuss and share
the latest research in parallel and distributed high performance systems
applied to Life Science problems. It aims to offer an interactive
environment for investigators working on novel "computational thinking"
for (Systems) Biology, Bioinformatics, Biocomplexity and
Cheminformatics, so that future activities and collaborations will be
initiated, as well as fostering discussions about the utilization of
HPDC systems in their respective research initiatives. Selected papers
will be published in a special issue of Journal Concurrency and
Computation: Practice and Experience.

*Topics of interests include (but not limited to)*

* Application of Information Theory in life sciences
* Applications of GPU and Multicore architectures
* Applications of cloud computing
* Architectures and data management techniques for the life sciences
* Bio Statistics and its application in biology
* Bioinformatics databases
* Biological Data Mining
* Biological Data Visualization
* Biological Databases & Data Integration
* Biological Informatics and Computing
* Biomedical Databases & Information Systems
* Biomedical Imagery
* Biomedical Intelligence and Data Warehousing
* Comparison and alignment methods
* Complex Systems and Biocomplexity
* Computational Biomodeling
* Computational Drug Discovery
* Computational genomics and proteomics
* Computational Systems Biology
* Data Deluge in Biology
* Dimension Reduction
* Genetic Algorithms
* Grid Computing and Grid technologies for the life sciences
* Grid, Cluster and Internet Computing
* High Performance Bio-Computing
* Knowledge Discovering techniques and Data Mining
* Life sciences ontologies
* MapReduce and its enhancements applied to life sciences
* Many Task Computing and Life Sciences
* Multimedia Biomedical Databases and Biomedical Knowledge Discovery
* Parallel algorithms for biological analysis
* Parallel architectures for biological applications
* Parallel Stochastic simulation
* Parallel visualization algorithms
* Semantic web for the life sciences
* Multiple Sequence Alignment
* System tools that support large scale high-performance bio-computing
* Text Mining, Information Extraction, and Language Processing
* Web-mining of Biological data

*Program Chairs*

Ian Foster <foster at mcs.anl.gov <mailto:foster at mcs.anl.gov>> University
of Chicago, USA
Geoffrey Fox <gcf at indiana.edu <mailto:gcf at indiana.edu>> Indiana
University, USA
Judy Qiu <xqiu at indiana.edu <mailto:xqiu at indiana.edu>> Indiana
University, USA

*Program Committee*

Dimitris Agrafiotis Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical R&D, USA
Jose Fortes University of Florida, USA
Chris Johnson University of Utah, USA
Sun Kim Indiana University, USA
Eugene Kolker Seattle Children's Hospital, USA
Michael Lajiness Eli Lilly and Company, USA
Valerio Pascucci University of Utah, USA
Rick Stevens University of Chicago, USA
Haixu Tang Indiana University, USA
Kristin Tolle Microsoft, USA
David Wild Indiana University, USA

*Important Dates*

Papers Submission Due: March 15, 2010
Author Notifications: March 30, 2010
Final manuscripts: April 23, 2010

*Submission Guidelines*

The papers should be prepared using the ACM proceedings style and no
longer than 12 pages for full papers or 4 pages for short papers.
Submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality,
significance to workshop topics, technical soundness, and presentation
quality. Submission of the paper implies that should the paper be
accepted, at least one of the authors will register and present the
paper at the workshop.

*Publication of Papers*

Full and short papers accepted for emerging computational methods for
the life sciences workshop 2010 will be published by the HPDC 2010
conference proceedings by ACM in the same volume. Selected papers will
be published in a special issue of Journal Concurrency and Computation:
Practice and Experience. Please submit your paper to the ECMLS 2010
submission server (http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ecmls2010)
via an EasyChair account.
