[Bioclusters] Call for Papers: MeCBIC 2009
Gabriel Ciobanu
2009-03-20 11:59:13 UTC
MeCBIC 2009
The 3rd Workshop on Membrane Computing and
Biologically Inspired Process Calculi
- An Affiliated Workshop of CONCUR 2009 -
5th September 2009, Bologna, Italy

The main aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers working in
membrane computing, in biologically inspired process calculi (ambients, brane
calculi, etc.) and in other related fields to present recent results and to
discuss new ideas concerning such formalisms, their properties and
relationships (similarities, differences,...).

Original research papers (including significant work-in-progress) on the
membrane systems or biologically inspired process calculi are sought. Papers on
the relationship between membrane systems and biologically inspired process
calculi are particularly welcome. Related formal approaches in which cell
compartments play an important role are also within the scope of the workshop.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
* Biologically inspired models and calculi
* Biologically inspired systems and their applications
* Analysis of properties of biologically inspired models and languages
* Theoretical links and comparison between different models/systems

Important Dates
Title + Abstract: 1 June, 2009
Paper Submission: 7 June, 2009
Notification: 20 July, 2009
Camera-ready: 2 August, 2009
Workshop: 5 September, 2009
EPTCS Version: 2 October, 2009

Authors are invited to submit a PDF version of their papers (15 pages) using
the web page http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mecbic2009. The
workshop proceedings will be published in the Electronic Proceedings in
Theoretical Computer Science (http://www.eptcs.org/). The submissions should be
prepared using LaTeX and EPTCS format.

Invited Talk
Luca Cardelli
Pi in the Sky: Spatial Process Algebra for Developmental Biology

Program Committee
* Luca Cardelli - Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK
* Matteo Cavaliere - CoSBi, Trento, Italy
* Gabriel Ciobanu (chair) - Romanian Academy, Iasi
* Erzsebet Csuhaj-Varju - Hungarian Academy, Budapest
* Jean-Louis Giavitto - University of Evry, France
* Maciej Koutny - Newcastle University, UK
* Vincenzo Manca - University of Verona, Italy
* Emanuela Merelli - University of Camerino, Italy
* Marino Miculan - University of Udine, Italy
* Gheorghe Paun - Romanian Academy, Bucharest
* Cristian Versari - University of Bologna, Italy
* Claudio Zandron - University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy

* Ivan Lanese / lanese -at- cs.unibo.it
* Cristian Versari / versari -at- cs.unibo.it
* Emanuela Merelli / merelli -at- unicam.it

Past Events: The first edition of MeCBIC was held in Venice in 2006
(co-located with ICALP 2006). One of the organizers of the first MeCBIC
was Nadia Busi. The second MeCBIC was held in Iasi in 2008. The previous
proceedings of the MeCBIC workshops have been published in the Elsevier
ENTCS series (vol.171 and vol.227).
Please note that the 3rd MeCBIC will be held exactly 2 years after the
tragic death of Nadia Busi who worked at the University of Bologna for
many years...

CONTACT: gabriel at info.uaic.ro
