Chris Dagdigian
2008-02-22 13:47:46 UTC
This meeting may be of interest to people on this mailing list, if
only because it includes ROCKS and will also host the first Grid
Engine Workshop to occur in the USA. The german SGE Workshop held
late last year was excellent.
only because it includes ROCKS and will also host the first Grid
Engine Workshop to occur in the USA. The german SGE Workshop held
late last year was excellent.
From: Fritz Ferstl <ferstl at>
Date: February 21, 2008 11:31:09 PM EST
To: announce at, users at
Subject: [GE announce] Conference Announcement: Open Source Grid &
Reply-To: announce at
please take notice of the conference announcement below. As one of
its main tracks it contains the Grid Engine workshop - the first of
its kind on US soil.
It will be a premier opportunity to share your experience with other
Grid Engine users as well as other communities. A call for papers
will follow soon.
Hope to see you in Oakland in May,
Featuring: GlobusWorld, Grid Engine Workshop, Rocks Cluster Workshop
Join Users, Administrators, and Developers of Open Source Grid and
Cluster Software from across the globe at this unique event.
Open Source Grid & Cluster Conference 2008
May 12-16, 2008
Marriott City Center
Oakland, California, USA
For more information visit
At the 2008 Open Source Grid & Cluster Conference, current and
potential users, administrators, and developers of open source grid
* Learn the latest best practices for using, managing and building
grids and clusters
* Hear the experiences of real users in a wide range of commercial,
research, educational, and biomedical environments.
* Meet the developers responsible for leading open source grid and
cluster software.
* Interact with others facing and addressing challenges similar to
your own.
Sponsored in part by Univa UD and Sun Microsystems, the program will
include tracks dedicated to Globus (GlobusWorld), Grid Engine (Grid
Engine Workshop), and Rocks (Rocks Cluster Workshop). Other sessions
will cover related open source grid and cluster software, and present
cross-cutting material focused on end-user applications and grid and
cluster operations. With a combination of in-depth tutorials, user
experiences, technical architecture reviews, discussions of future
directions, and much more, there will be something for everyone at
this unique event.
We are also still accepting conference sponsors. Information about
these opportunities is posted on our web site.
Call For Participation coming soon.
We look forward to seeing you in Oakland!
Date: February 21, 2008 11:31:09 PM EST
To: announce at, users at
Subject: [GE announce] Conference Announcement: Open Source Grid &
Reply-To: announce at
please take notice of the conference announcement below. As one of
its main tracks it contains the Grid Engine workshop - the first of
its kind on US soil.
It will be a premier opportunity to share your experience with other
Grid Engine users as well as other communities. A call for papers
will follow soon.
Hope to see you in Oakland in May,
Featuring: GlobusWorld, Grid Engine Workshop, Rocks Cluster Workshop
Join Users, Administrators, and Developers of Open Source Grid and
Cluster Software from across the globe at this unique event.
Open Source Grid & Cluster Conference 2008
May 12-16, 2008
Marriott City Center
Oakland, California, USA
For more information visit
At the 2008 Open Source Grid & Cluster Conference, current and
potential users, administrators, and developers of open source grid
* Learn the latest best practices for using, managing and building
grids and clusters
* Hear the experiences of real users in a wide range of commercial,
research, educational, and biomedical environments.
* Meet the developers responsible for leading open source grid and
cluster software.
* Interact with others facing and addressing challenges similar to
your own.
Sponsored in part by Univa UD and Sun Microsystems, the program will
include tracks dedicated to Globus (GlobusWorld), Grid Engine (Grid
Engine Workshop), and Rocks (Rocks Cluster Workshop). Other sessions
will cover related open source grid and cluster software, and present
cross-cutting material focused on end-user applications and grid and
cluster operations. With a combination of in-depth tutorials, user
experiences, technical architecture reviews, discussions of future
directions, and much more, there will be something for everyone at
this unique event.
We are also still accepting conference sponsors. Information about
these opportunities is posted on our web site.
Call For Participation coming soon.
We look forward to seeing you in Oakland!