[Bioclusters] NOBLAST available
jacques lagnel
2009-03-30 12:34:56 UTC
Dear all,

I am happy to announce the release of the:
NOBLAST software freely available with source code, docs,
packages and standalone executables available for a variety of systems (linux
windows, sources..) from SourceForge:

General presentation:

NOBLAST(New Options for BLAST) provides:

1) Distributed/parallel BLAST functionality for the blastall and blastcl3
softwares and is available for various NCBI BLAST programs: Blastn, Blastp,
Blastx, Tblastn, Tblastx, Mega BLAST with exact E-value adjustment when
split database are used.

2) a new extended user-friendly tabular output format that can be directly
analysed with any spreadsheet (OpenOffice, Excel...) and/or any database engine
(e.g. MySQL) without any use of a parser.
This new option extends (-m parameter) the blastall, blastcl3 and blastpgp
software and is available for various NCBI BLAST programs: Blastn, Blastp,
Blastx, Tblastn, Tblastx, Mega BLAST and Psi BLAST.

NOBLAST is an open source patch for blastall, blastcl3, blastpgp and formatdb
from the NCBI toolkit.

Lagnel J, Tsigenopoulos CS, Iliopoulos I (2009) NOBLAST and JAMBLAST: New
Options for BLAST and a Java Application Manager for BLAST results.
Bioinformatics 25: 824-826.


Please, feel free to report any comments to me
and enjoy...

Jacques Lagnel

Jacques Lagnel
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR)
Institute of Marine Biology/Genetics
Gournes Pediados
P.O.Box 2214
Heraklion 71003
Crete, Greece

email: lagnel at her.hcmr.gr

Tel. + 302810 337719
Fax: + 302810337820
Hellenic Center For Marine Research, Crete
Network Operation Center
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