Post by LijoHi,
Our lab plans to erect a HPC for molecular modeling and docking. Now we face
flood of executives from different high profile brands with their
customized efficiency.
Does the performance is free from the brands?
Hi Lijo:
Depending upon the solution offering, performance is quite a bit more
aligned with system configuration/design issues, OS issues, and
associated. Opteron/Xeon systems from many vendors will generally have
similar performance if you isolate the computing performance. It is how
the overall system is designed that will have the most dramatic impact,
and to a lesser degree, though nearly as important, what you have in
terms of system software configuration.
We run into designs that have no hope of working reasonably well,
through massively over-engineered systems. Many of the "designs" simply
throw together brand name gear or various brands from various suppliers,
and don't focus upon what it is you are doing. The latter is the
important aspect. Which software for modeling and docking are you going
to be using, how large are your models, what are the expected run times,
how many runs do you need to accomplish per day?
If you can answer those problems, we may collectively be able to
render advice. If (like many US universities) you have pre-existing
purchase agreements with only one vendor, you will likely be quite
constrained on what you can purchase.
The more information you can share on what you are doing, the more we
can help.
Post by LijoExpecting suggestions !
Lijo M Antony
Joseph Landman, Ph.D
Founder and CEO
Scalable Informatics LLC,
email: landman at
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phone: +1 734 786 8423
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