[Bioclusters] OFED 1.4 packages for debian
Dr. Volker Jaenisch
2009-01-29 12:52:35 UTC
Dear Mr. Coates!

Many thanks for your heroic efford to bring OFED-1.4 to the debian people.

When trying to install your packages in debian lenny I run into some

The dependency of the meta package OFED on rds-tools and tvflash seems
to be not fullfilled/broken:

* There is a package called rds-tools-1.4 but maybe the dependency goes
to a package named rds-tools, only.
* There is no package tvflash (not in lenny nor in sid nor in your
ftp-share). Maybe I missed something.

The packages itself install flawlessly when not using the meta-package.

The building of the kernel-modules does not work:

module-assistant prepare runs fine.

ares:/usr/src# module-assistant build ofa-kernel
The source tarball could not be found!
Package ofa-kernel not installed?
Running "m-a -f get ofa-kernel" may help.

ares:/usr/src# m-a -f get ofa-kernel
Paketlisten werden gelesen... Fertig
Abh?ngigkeitsbaum wird aufgebaut
Reading state information... Fertig
E: Konnte Paket ofa-kernel nicht finden

This may be due to a naming problem ofa-kernel vs. ofa-kernel-source.

Installation of the ofa-kernel source failed.
Ignoring this package. Maybe you need to add something to
sources.list, maybe the contrib and non-free archives.

Maybe these problems are due to the fact that I install on Debian Lenny
and not on Debian sid.
So please correct me if I did something stupid.

Best regards

inqbus it-consulting +49 ( 341 ) 5643800
Dr. Volker Jaenisch http://www.inqbus.de
Herlo?sohnstr. 12 0 4 1 5 5 Leipzig
N O T - F ? L L E +49 ( 170 ) 3113748
Tim Cutts
2009-02-02 23:27:05 UTC
Post by Dr. Volker Jaenisch
Dear Mr. Coates!
Guy is on holiday at the moment, so he won't be able to respond to you
for a week or so.
Post by Dr. Volker Jaenisch
Many thanks for your heroic efford to bring OFED-1.4 to the debian people.
I agree it's been a heroic effort; Guy isn't a Debian Developer (yet)
and I (who am) have been pretty impressed at what he's done - this
mammoth set of packages is not the normal sort of thing one starts out
with when learning to create Debian packages...
Post by Dr. Volker Jaenisch
When trying to install your packages in debian lenny I run into some
[ snipped problems ]
Post by Dr. Volker Jaenisch
Maybe these problems are due to the fact that I install on Debian
Lenny and not on Debian sid.
I think so - as Guy said in his post, he did this work using sid
rather than lenny, so there are bound to be some backporting issues;
it sounds as though some packages have changed names, as they often do
after a release. Lenny has been frozen for some time (it's due for
release on Valentine's Day), and that's why Guy was using sid -
there's no way these packages could have made it into Lenny in time
for the release, so he decided to make them work on the next release
instead. Given that we're likely to want to use this stuff on Lenny
ourselves, I imagine we'll do a backport if it's at all possible.

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